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Autoimmunity affects over 10% of the world's population. It is linked to everyday components such as food, air, materials, pollution, and vaccines. Many autoimmune diseases attack multiple organs and diagnosing them can be challenging.

Autoimmunity affects over 10% of the world’s population. It is linked to everyday components such as food, air, materials, pollution, and vaccines. Many autoimmune diseases attack multiple organs and diagnosing them can be challenging.

Who it affects?


More than 70+ diseases fall under the category of auto immunity

Autoimmunity attacks multiple tissues and organs, including connective tissues, Gastrointestinal tract (GI), Nervous system, Endocrine system (Hormones), musculoskeletal, renal (Urinary), and blood/circulatory.

Autoimmune diseases and disorders can be discouraging and frustrating because it can be years or even decades before symptoms are noticeable.

They progress to a point where it leaves you feeling weak, in pain, fatigued, and not able to function as near normal as possible. Can’t be labeled to one specific cause. 

We are not well equipped to eliminate them from our bodies.

Who it Effects?


Infants are at risk to be affected before they are even born

Toxic Bath → Fetuses may be developing in a toxic bath of nearly 200+ chemicals

Neonatal autoimmune diseases include, but not limited to → Neonatal lupus, antiphospholipid syndrome, Graves disease (Hyperthyroidism) , Granulomatosis with polyangiitis.

Neonatal and infants are becoming more susceptible to autoimmune diseases. There are a few different reason for this:

→ Cesarean delivery, an infant is not being delivered through mucous membrane. Protective layer to prevent against bacterium and viruses. infants are more susceptible to asthma, Irritable bowl syndrome (IBS), immune deficiencies.

→ Neonates are then given several vaccine postnatal. These include Hepatitis B (Hep B), Rotavirus (RV), Polio (IPV), Pneumococcal (PCV13), and DTaP which consists of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis.

→ Diphtheria effects the throat and breathing of young infants. This may cause damage of nerves, kidneys, lungs, and heart.

→ Pertussis, better known as whooping cough is highly contagious and may be severe and in some cases life threatening.

→ Haemophilus Influenza can cause effects such as pneumonia, skin and throat infections and meningitis that has potential to lead to permanent brain damage.

Neonates have an immature immune system and therefor are more susceptible and at higher risk to develop an autoimmunity. This risk comes from the undeveloped adaptive and innate immunity as well as suppressive effects of maternally derived antibodies .

Neonates exhibit an increase in activity surrounding suppressive T regulatory cells, this being joined with impairments of functional activity of antigen-presenting cells.

Hope Brain Approach to Treatment

→ First stages of treatment requires a IgG food and molds profile test where we asses what you are allergic or have food sensitives to.

→ We have several different removal supplement options depending on the severity of case.

→ Erchonia Lasers are used to help with a reduction of inflammation or build up of mitochondrial function. Two regions of treatment used are adrenals or blood brain barrier. (kidney, liver, gallbladder) (brain).



The World Leader in Low-Level Laser Technology

Erchonia is the world leader in LLLT technology dedicated to producing safe, effective solutions for chiropractors, physical therapists, & vets worldwide. 

→ Pulsed Electric Magnetic Field therapy is used for aiding in mitochondrial functions, generating more ATP

Innate Immunity

Innate Immunity


Specialized cells that engulf and absorb bacteria, leading to destroying invaders.

Circulating and Migrating through tissues, they ingest and destroy microbes and cellular left overs 

Natural Killer Cells

Release toxic enzymes to fight virus-infected cells.

White Blood Cells

A type of lymphocyte

Destroy infected and virally effected cells


Release granules which can kill bacteria and fungi.

A White Blood cell that carries small granules

Attacks infection, allergens, and other irritants that may invade the body

3 Types: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils


System Composed of a a large number of Plasma proteins

Opsonize → to make a foreign cell marked for phagocytes

Phagocytes can then destroy the pathogens

A group of proteins that helps to clear pathogens and helps inflammation.

Adaptive Immunity

B Cells

Produce specific protein antibodies known as immunoglobulin to destroy antigens.

Protects the body from viruses, bacteria, and parasite.

T Cells

Respond to specific antigens and produce effector cells to fight them. Th1 cells are host immunity effectors against bacteria and protozoa, Th2 cells aid in antibody-mediated immunity, TREG cells maintain immunity homeostasis, and Th17 cells provide antimicrobial immunity.

Haematopoietic → The cellular components of blood are being continually replenished through an organisms life time.

Stem cells begin in the fetal liver and progress later in the bone marrow

Cytotoxic T Cells→ Destroy infected cells

Helper T Cells→ Sending signals that direct other immune cells to fight against infections

Memory Cells

Produce long-term immunity in response to previous antigen exposure.

Produce long-term immunity in response to previous antigen exposure.

TREG Cells

Balance between TH1 and TH2 response is necessary for the immune system to reach homeostasis. An imbalance of TH1 and TH2 can lead to an increase in chances of an autoimmune disease.

→ Keeping balance between Humoral Immunity TH2, and Cell-Mediated Immunity TH1.

Generally down regulate or suppress induction and the proliferation of the activated T cells or effector cells. TREG serves to regulate inflammation and potential damage of the effector T cells.

TREG can assist in the process of suppressing autoimmunity

The delicate balance in maintaining homeostasis of immunity is reflected by TH3 (TREG), and TH17 cells.

→ Imbalance between immunosuppressive TREG cells and the inflammatory Th17 cells can lead to the development of the autoimmune or inflammatory disease.

Sex & Immunity

Women are generally more susceptible to auto immune diseases

Sex hormones dihydrotestosterone and estrogen are a key component to role of TREG cells functions. Women are more at risk because, they have more complex hormone and more hormonal fluctuations. 

Female mastocytes (MC’s) (derived from the myeloid stem cells) experience a increase in synthesis, as well the storage and release of disease related factors. This leading to the explanation of women being more likely to have allergic disorder, IBS, migraines, and autoimmunity.

Stress and Immunity

Our immune systems can be sabotaged by something as simple stress. Could be a physiological or psychological response due to stressors. Chronic and acute stresses that could last years are made up of higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Chronic stressors can be in a latent virus state where they are resting and may not even be noticeable. This could last a long time before being active or showing symptoms, however this will still cause wear and tear on ones immune system.

Early Life stress (ELS) is associated with immunological dysregulation. This stems from any early childhood development struggles that make have taken place.

Bullying and childhood abuse has shown to show C-reactive proteins and antibodies of Epstein Bar, this could occur from something as simple as being bullied.

When our immune systems are in a constant stress or inflamed stage, TREG cells begin to lose their ability to regulate our immunity. Leaving the door wide open for Auto Immune Diseases.

Developing Autoimmunity

Genetic Predisposition→ Based on genetic makeup of DNA and family history a person can become more susceptible developing autoimmunity

→ Undigested food or harmful bacteria flooding into the bloodstream through an inflamed and damaged membrane (Leaky Gut)

→ Toxins that damage or destroy cells, leaving the immune system to think they are pathogens. In turn attacking their own host.

→ Neo-antigens being formed from foreign chemicals (environmental) being converted into xenobiotics. Xenobiotics→ Substances foreign to the body

→ Chemicals stimulating the release of reactive molecules. Pro-inflammatory signaling than increases the build of inflammation.

→ Chemicals that are competing against thyroid hormones, or disrupting the function of iodine in in the thyroid, ultimately leading to inflammation and autoimmunity of the thyroid gland.


Bystander activation

→ Infections damage the tissues and expose hidden or cells that are not meant to come into contact with circulating immunity cells.

→ The immune system will then attack these hidden cells and autoimmunity can develop shortly there after.

Persistent Infection

→ This is when an infection becomes chronic. This leads to a overstimulation of B cells.

→ When there are too many antigens circulating through the bloodstream, this raises risk for B cells to tag the body tissues for destruction or leading to the cause of auto immunity

What We Consume is Consuming US

Foods we consume are toxic to us, even organic.

Chemicals, added dyes, flavorings, food coloring, and textures are just a few to name that are being implemented into our foods.


→ Introduction of cows milk to infants can be directly linked to Type I diabetes.

→ This is due to molecular mimicry, meaning an occurrence of similarities between a foreign and self peptide. Favoring an activation of autoreacting B or T cells from a foreign or derived antigen.


→ Gluten in wheat also is linked to Type I diabetes.

Celiac Disease → Auto Immune reaction to the protein, gluten. Gluten will trigger your immune system to produce antibodies against it. These antibodies can cause damage and deteriorate the mucosa of your small intestine.

→ Similar to leaky gut, and other autoimmune diseases with similarities are Crones and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

→ Wheat proteins resemble human cerebellar tissue of the brain. The immune system attacks the gluten and then attacks on the similar formed tissue in the brain.

Milk and Dairy are both predominantly linked to autoimmunity of brain and nervous tissue. High percentage of people have a reaction to casein and gluten

Immunoglobulin (IgG)

Immunoglobulin (IgG)

→ Most abundant antibody and main type found in blood and extracellular fluid. This allows it to control infections in body tissues.

→ Binds to many different forms of invading pathogens.

→ Only antibody able to cross the placenta, providing passive immunity to a fetus through the transfer of maternal IgG.

→ Measured IgG antibody levels are considered indicators of immune status to particular pathogens

Immunoglobulin A (IgA)

→ The second common immunoglobin found in the body

→ Found in mucosal regions, respiratory tract , gastrointestinal tract, and urogenital tract. Can also be found in breast milk and saliva.

→ Measuring IgA can be used to test how weak the immune system may be.

Immunoglobulin M (IgM)

Immunoglobulin M (IgM)

→ Powerful agglutinating antibody, efficient in lysing and cleansing of microorganisms or neutralization of toxins.

→ IgM does not have memory cells

→ IgM is only synthesized when the attacking agent is present

→ Binds to antigens and activates the complement system.

→ Appearing early in the course of an infection

→ This helps in the diagnoses process of infectious diseases.

Immunoglobulin E (IgE)

→ Least common immunoglobulin iso.

→ Most powerful in triggering responses to allergic reactions, and inflammatory responses.

→ Associated with mucosal

→ IgE binds to allergens and can assist by triggering histamine release from basophils and mast cells. This is what we see as an allergic reaction.

Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
Immunoglobulin D (IgD)

Immunoglobulin M (IgM)

→ Found on the surface of naïve B cells (Either becomes a memory B cell or a plasma cell)

→ Activates basophils and mast cell to produce antimicrobial factors

Stage 1: Silent Autoimmunity

In stage one the antibodies will elevate, but you will not notice symptoms or any loss of function.

Stage 2: Autoimmune Reactivity

Stage two we will see a rise in antibodies and signs of symptoms and loss of function will begin to show.

Stage 3: Autoimmune Disease

In the third stage antibodies will raise significantly as well as the symptoms. Labs will show results for autoimmunity. A sign of significant loss of function will show as well.

The Impact of Autoimmune Disorders

Debilitating Symptoms

Autoimmune diseases can cause pain, debilitation, fatigue, and poor brain function, making it difficult for individuals to perform everyday tasks.

Increased Rates

1 in 6 Americans have an autoimmune disorder. The rates of multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes have increased over the past few decades.

Delayed Diagnosis

It can take seeing at least 6 doctors before receiving a proper autoimmune disorder diagnosis.

Lifestyle Changes and Prevention

Reduce Stress

Incorporate stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness into your routine.

Eliminate Triggers

Identify and eliminate triggers such as artificial sweeteners, gluten, and dairy from your diet.

Delayed Diagnosis

It can take seeing at least 6 doctors before receiving a proper autoimmune disorder diagnosis.

The Future of Autoimmunity Treatment

With increased research efforts, scientists hope to uncover the mechanisms that cause autoimmune disorders and develop more effective treatments.

New gene therapies, immunomodulatory drugs, and engineered immune cells offer hope for improved treatment efficacy. It’s essential to understand the role of innate and adaptive immunity and the Staircase of Autoimmunity to manage and prevent autoimmune disorders. 

If you or someone you know may be affected by Autoimmune Disease or would like to know more. Call us today at +1 (610) 652-4732 


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