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Long COVID: A Guide to Symptoms, Treatment & Recovery

Navigating long COVID can be challenging. This guide covers common symptoms, treatment options, and how our clinic can support your recovery in these trying times!

Recognizing the Early Signs of Long COVID


Persistent fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest is a common early sign.

Brain Fog

Difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and feeling mentally “slow” are also typically associated.

Shortness of Breath

Experiencing shortness of breath even with minimal exertion can be an early indicator, congestion!

Muscle Aches

Widespread muscle aches and pains, even without exercise, are another key symptom. In worse cases fibromyalgia related symptoms.

Common Long COVID Symptoms & Their Impact


  • Brain fog
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Sleep disturbances (Insomnia)


  • Heart palpitations
  • Chest pain
  • Rapid heart rate


  • Temperature dysregulation
  • Orthostatic intolerance (POTS)
  • Gastrointestinal issues


  • Balance problems
  • Coordination difficulties
  • Eye movement issues

Understanding Thermoception & Nociception


Thermoception is the sense of temperature, and dysregulation can lead to feeling constantly cold or hot. Difficulty regulating temperatures can cause inability to want to shower or difficulty from going inside to outside or vice versa. Heat intolerance can cause dizziness, weakness, nausea, cramping. This can cause a delay or direct issue to fine motor skills. Other contributing issues can be related to proprioception and ones ability to sense body position, force, and movements.


Nociception is the process of sensing pain, which can be heightened in long COVID, causing hypersensitivity. In some cases of nociception there is fiber related issues where you deal with more touch related and touch sensitivity fiber issues. This can cause a lack in connectivity as well as somatosensory related problems with sensory information. This can cause numbness, tingling, pain, coordination disruption, and reduced sensations.

Holistic Treatment Approach for Long COVID


Low-level laser therapy can reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and promote nerve regeneration. At Hope Brain Center we use state of the art lasers from Erchonia.

Hydrogen Inhalation

Hydrogen inhalation is a powerful antioxidant that can combat inflammation and improve mitochondrial function.

Altitude Training with Oxygen

This method induces hypoxia, improving oxygen utilization, blood flow, and brain plasticity.


Real-time brainwave monitoring helps identify and correct dysregulation in specific brain regions.

Brain Scans

Assess brain activity and identify areas of dysfunction.

Autonomic Testing

Measure heart rate variability and other autonomic functions.

Vestibular Assessments

Evaluate balance, coordination, and eye movements.

Our Clinic: A Dedicated Center for Long COVID Recovery

Our clinic provides a comprehensive approach to long COVID care, combining advanced treatments with individualized support to help you regain your health and vitality.

Beyond Long COVID: Addressing Central Nervous System Disorders

We are also experts in treating a wide range of central nervous system disorders, including POTS, mast cell activation syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.


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