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Thought Leader Conference 2023

This groundbreaking Thought Leader conference brings together top experts and leaders in functional medicine to address and teach the pressing issues of neurodegenerative diseases.

Focusing on genetic testing, epigenetic health, phytonutrients, sleep, and fetal development. Follow along with information Hope Brain & Body Recovery Center learned with cutting-edge research and innovative approaches to reversing these conditions.

Functional Medicine: Reversing Neurodegenerative Diseases

Functional Testing

The power of genetic testing and understanding while unlocking the potential for reversing neurodegenerative diseases. Presentation done by Dr. Dale Bredesen shows that Alzheimer’s amongst other neurodegenerative diseases can be driven by immune activation, lacking neurotrophic factors as well as toxic exposure that us all around us. Getting tested for the factors can increase a drastic positive change in neurodegenerations steps of regression/prevention. Testing for heavy toxic metals such as arsenic (found in farm raised fish). Epigenetic test, IgG food and molds testing and stool tests.

Epigenetic Health

Divulge into the role o epigenetics and how to optimize brain function and learn how to improve and promote healthy gene expression for neuroprotection. First steps in the process is to have epigenetic testing done. Testing and measuring the methylation analysis across genomic sequencing. Protein interaction of our DNA, as well as the accessibility of chromatin. (The nuclear macromolecules ability to physically contact chromatid DNA). Biggest contributing factors are methylation of DNA, modifications of chromatin, and changes in regulatory RNA’s.


Uncovering the potential of plant-based compounds and their impact on brain health, inflammation, and neurodegeneration. Phytochemicals and traditional herbs can help with the offsetting the start time of degradation as well as slow the progression to help aid in recovery. Recovery is made possible by the targeting of antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and antiamyloidogenic properties of the. Allowing regulation of mitochondrial stress, free radical savaging, and apoptotic & neurotrophic factors.

Sleep and Brain Health

Delve into the relationship between quality sleep and its profound effects on the brain, including its contribution to neuroprotection. Sleep-wake changes and circadian rhythm disruption are two big sleep or lack there of components of cognitive degeneration. Poor sleep may lead some to early stages of neurodegenerative diseases.
The Impact of Long COVID

The Impact of Long COVID

Long COVID has emerged as a significant health challenge with more than potential long-term implications. Autoimmune diseases, and brain degeneration are two results we have seen from the mRNA replication and integration of proteins. Transforming our translations of epigenetics into a more susceptible state of risk. Creating more health complications simply by changing the expression of our DNA.

The seminar provided gaining insights into the latest research, potential treatment modalities, and strategies for managing these conditions. Is there a connection between our gut microbiome and dysbiosis that is linked to long haul covid? Ensuring our gut contains the right microbes from a correct and healthy diet can help ensure prevent symptoms of long covid. Symbiotic between microbe and actual prebiotic (flavonoids, polyphenols) Symbiotic. will help a particular microbe to grow.

Unveiling the Mysteries of Brain Degeneration

1. The Immune Connection

The complex interplay between autoimmunity and brain health. The gut brain connection is a complex bidirectional system within our bodies. There is more potential impact on cognitive function and neurodegeneration.

2. Immune Modulation

Explore innovative approaches to immune modulation as a means to mitigate the risk of autoimmune-related brain degeneration. Cytokines are agents that modulate or alter our immune responses, learning how to manipulate and transform these genes can lead to a decrease in many thing such as inflammation (adipokines).

3. Addressing Neuroinflammation

Managing and reducing neuroinflammation, a key driver in autoimmune-related brain diseases. Through nutrition and aerobic exercise, stress management, and sleep we begin to see a counter-balance in interleukin -1 against IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 and others. When we work out aerobically, cycling and taking steps to better reduce stressors we feel a change in our inflammation in our bodies.
Addressing Neuroinflammation

Unveiling the Mysteries of Brain Degeneration

Cellular Dysfunction

Cellular Dysfunction

Mitochondrial dysfunction induces inflammation in our brains. Bioenergetic failure can become a risk hand-hand with inflammation of the brain causing Alzheimer’s (AD). Another factor can of cause is Blood Brain Barrier disruption. BBB maintains our brains homeostasis and protects the brain neurons. When at risk, there is an impairment of immune cells, and plasma proteins being flooded or trafficked into the brain’s parenchyma. Causing Inflammation of the brain.
Advanced Imaging Techniques

Advanced Imaging Techniques

Cutting-edge imaging technologies that allow for early detection and monitoring of brain degeneration, providing valuable insights for intervention and treatment. Hope Brain & Body Recovery Center uses Brain Core Technology Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) test to show inflammation in the specific regions of the brain to help better diagnose root cause our our patients inflammation.
Brain Resilience

Brain Resilience

Brain resilience and cognitive vitality, mitigating the risk of degenerative brain diseases. Brain resilience can be trained through nootropics, bio or neurofeedback therapy, and other cognitive/wellness programs. We offer a hand full of these services at the Hope Centers. Nootropics have shown improvement in thinking, learning an memory. Resilience can be associated with unique cytokines to signal immune responses. Suppressing inflammation and microglial recruitment within the brain. Protecting the brain against prolonged inflammatory responses of microglia and astrocytes can improve brain resilience and protect the brain from neurodegeneration.

Addressing Fetal Development for Neuroprotection

1. Preconception Care

What you eat provides us with information as well as nutrition. What does this mean? What a mother consumes not only effects the child directly through nutrition but also through epigenetics and the expression of the genes. A mothers diet can effect their child’s epigenome, short and even long term. Nutrition can effect early epigenetic reprogramming and an early establishment of the guts microbiome.

2. Prenatal Nutrition

Most people probably know that during pregnancy’s you need to be consuming Adequate intakes (AI’s) to reach your Dietary Recommended Allowance (RDA’s). Folic acid, calcium, B-vitamins, Omeg-3 Fatty acids, and Vit-C being some of the more known supplements/vitamins to take. One that really stands out is Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This said because, DHA is directly related to cognitive, visual and neurological functions.

Walking on the Path of Brain Health

Be willing to embrace a journey gearing up optimal brain health and become a follower and leader of a movement dedicated to preventing and reversing neurodegenerative diseases. Keep yourself well informed with knowledge, strategies, and a whole community of like-minded individuals committed to making a positive impact and creating change on brain wellness.
Walking on the Path of Brain Health


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